A clinical legal education and training course integrating classroom learning of substantive and remedial law with their concrete application in actual controversies, disputes, and cases before the courts or administrative agencies for amicable settlement or for adjudication, as the case may be. This course is divided into two parts. One, is the practicum component wherein law interns handle actual legal problems, disputes or cases under the supervision of the Office of Legal Aid. They interview the clients, draft necessary legal and judicial forms, do counselling and negotiation work, appear before the courts/administrative agencies for adjudication including appeals therefrom. Conferences and tutorials for formulating the theory of the case, strategizing and assigning legal research work are also part of this component. The second component is the Moot court wherein actual OLA cases are utilized to simulate court litigation for effective role playing of advocates and witnesses. Field observations of legal institutions, administrative agencies, courts, law enforcement agencies, and other bodies that a law practitioner encounters, are also required.